How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

Rising summer temperatures may keep your Indianapolis apartment hot and sticky -- especially if you live on an upper level. You could crank up the A/C for instant gratification and deal with higher utility costs. Another option is to pass your time in the swimming pool. Instead, try these tips to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis.
Be Smart With Your Thermostat To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

When you’re trying to stay cool in your apartment in Indianapolis, you will undoubtedly be tempted to turn up your cooling system. But running your air conditioner at full strength can get expensive, and it likely won’t be able to cool your space more than 15 to 20 degrees from the outside temperature. You can operate your A/C more efficiently by adjusting your thermostat a few degrees higher as you prepare to head out for the day. This keeps your place from getting too hot without overtaxing your cooling system while you’re gone. After arriving home, turn it back down to a more pleasant comfort level.
Good HVAC maintenance helps your A/C unit function at a high level of efficiency as well. You should request your maintenance team to check your equipment and switch out the filters on a regular basis. Some complexes have planned HVAC filter changes during the year and supply the filters for you. Tell them if you believe a filter needs changing or if your system is having a problem.
Use Window Treatments To Block Heat From The Sun

Windows are known to allow an abundance of heat. Shielding your rooms with suitable window treatments will play a critical role in blocking the sun’s rays. Get started by shutting the blinds completely. The basic white blinds found in a majority of apartments will divert a bit of the sun’s heat. You can then install room-darkening curtains. These thicker window coverings stave off those warm ultraviolet rays and will get your space a few degrees lower. The majority of apartment complexes are fine if you install curtain hardware if you agree to fix any holes you make before you move out.
If you are enamored with the natural landscape of your apartment grounds to the extent that you hesitate to cover your windows, you could place removable, heat-resistant window film. This see-through material affixes to your windows and obstructs heat but not your view. While you’re at it, put weatherstripping along the window to limit the intrusion of hot air while keeping cooler air inside.
Get Your Air Circulating With Fans
Fans can create proper air circulation within all of your rooms to help you stay cool. Put a fan by a vent to circulate your treated air. If you already use fans secured to your ceiling, make sure they spin counterclockwise. This allows the fan to force the conditioned air down to where you need it.
If you have bathroom or kitchen exhaust fans, you should consider using these as well. Usually, these fans extract hot air from your space and release it outside when showering or cooking, but they can remove warm air whenever you want. Turn them on when you arrive home in the evening to eliminate the hot, stuffy air that gathers within your walls during your working hours while your cooling system or ceiling fans replace it with treated air.
Limit Your Oven Use When Temperatures Are Soaring

You Can Stay Cool At The Waverley Apartments
The Waverley offers spacious floor plans, a range of sought-after amenities, and lovely, well-kept grounds--all that you want to ensure a fulfilling experience in every season. Our knowledgeable staff will inform you about the great benefits we offer Residents when you contact us at 317-800-7017 or schedule a tour.